Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, during the Sunday service on November 19, revealed to the congregation that every child of God is marked and enjoys the protection outlined in God’s covenant. According to the clergy, the cut of the covenant signifies that God’s children have been set apart and can face whatever comes their way because God resides in them. “When you are marked, you are protected and separated. When you are marked, you carry a message that only the readers can interpret, which is foolishness to others,” he said.

Drawing from Joshua 5:1-10 and Genesis 17:1-13, he explained that circumcision is the sign, symbol, or cut of the covenant, demonstrating that the recipient bears the mark of God’s covenant. It represented the eligibility of the Israelites to inherit their promised land, without which they could not rightfully occupy the inheritance promised to them by virtue of God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants.

Using the covenant between God and Abraham recorded in Genesis 15:1-19 and Genesis 17:1-13 as examples, the Senior Pastor said that there are two types of covenants – a grant and a treaty. He added that the type of covenant being cut determines the outcome. According to him, a treaty, which stipulates the obligation of the servant to the master, has a curse or repercussion for anyone who violates the king’s rights (Jeremiah 34:8-18), while a grant, stipulating the obligation of the master to the servant, directs the curse towards anyone who violates the servant’s rights.

He then urged the congregation always to be aware that they have entered into a covenant with God, emphasizing that this should make them trust God to fulfil His promises to them. He said, “When we doubt God in certain areas of our lives, it’s a clear indicator of the extent to which we are allowing His power to work in us. We must allow His power to work in us. If He has made a promise to you, you must believe that He will do what He said He would do.”

In the earlier part of the service, Pastor Tolu Odukoya encouraged the congregation from Psalm 91:9-10, which was the promise for the week. According to her, the devil’s attacks cannot affect God’s children, no matter how hard he tries. “No matter what the devil has thrown at us or is doing to us, because we have made the Lord our refuge and the Most High our hiding place, they shall not come near us,” she said.

The Assistant Senior Pastor urged her listeners not to allow their minds to be captured by the devil, causing them to doubt God’s protection and guidance. “Once the devil can get your mind, he has gotten you. So don’t allow him. He will try, but he will not get you. There shall be no evil report over everything that concerns you because the Lord is your hiding place,” she urged.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify and Apple Podcast. The messages are also available on CDs and DVDs at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media Store.